Friday, March 15, 2013

Random acts of rageface?

I was in the main island today when I heard a very unusual thing. Turns out there's a growing number of players who seem to have their undies in a square knot over other players healing their pets as they fight. Even a rumor that a CSR is getting up in arms about people healing each other's creature. Apparently drive-by healings are consider by some as criminal as griefing or trolling.


Since when is helping out your fellow player a bad thing? We see very few random acts of kindness in both real life and second life, so when your fellow krafties player decides he's going to heal your pet, why do you consider it more of an insult? What's going to happen next, we have people bitching about having people linking into your crafting temple for XP?

OMG! The scandal! helping one another out! Call the butthurt police!

Sure, healing yourself or others is good for gaining crafting XP, but is it really that big a deal now that we are going nutbuggers over something as minor as casting low heal on your pet when he's about to get knocked out, giving you a bit more time to get just that bit of experience out to level up?

I'm sorry, but if I see a person and their kraftie is getting hurt bad, I'm going to break out my healing pet and give them a heal. What are you going to do, report me? I'd love to see the looks on the CSR's when they see your post where you're crying about me casting a heal on your pet. Or better yet...I dare you to contact the Lindens! Report that I helped heal your pet and that I was griefing you...let's see what happens then.

People, it's a game, and it's a game that encourages people helping each other, socializing and being generally non-selfish against your fellow player. If you can't handle that, do us all a favor, go back to playing your FPS games where you can find sick pleasure in teabagging your own teammate that you just headshot from behind.

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