Monday, March 4, 2013

The Market

I got to tell you folks, the response to the Khronikle has been growing fast. People apparently like the idea of a Krafties blog and I'm getting more people asking me questions and wanting to promote their krafties sims.

Might, owner and manager of the Market
This afternoon, I had the pleasure of talking to Might, the current owner of what I believe is the largest Krafties sponsored sim markets around the grid, The Market @ Engobe, Deerdark and The Kraft Her various marketplaces and battling arenas are stationed in half sims interconnected together as one big sim, which she says is to help generate less lag, which I find rather clever to do.

My first impression was on how beautiful this marketplace is. Designed to look like an almost valley like setting, she has large mountainous prims around it to give the sim the feel of massive space and not look like some slab of disconnected space. Combine that with trees and waterfalls, it adds a natural splendor and relaxing atmosphere.

The Market at Engobe
Secondly, The various markets are pretty widely dispersed among the sections she's using, which seems to help with the obvious lag of so many scripts in each sim. To the casual observer, one would think this is disorganized and sloppy, but when you consider that these market stalls are sharing room with home temples and spawned wild krafties, the need to space things out is paramount to keeping the sim from slowing to a crawl.

There is just about everything a Krafties player will need here. She has over 50 home temples spawning every kind of wild kraftie for players to beat upon. In each section of the sim, a large market abounds with ample creatures, souls, goods and tools needed for your shopping pleasure. All of them are specially designed for the sake of promoting a low lag experience.

The Market is one of those really nice big spots when the main sim is proving a bit choked up by players and crafting, so feel free to check it out!

Until next time, Keep on Krafting!

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